Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Post #9

Through out this quarter I have enjoyed learning many different types of art. Some were more interesting then others. Out of all the different periods we learned about two of them stuck out more then others, those were the Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. I even would tell people all the cool facts and information that I learned, because I really did think they were awesome. I think the reason I liked these periods so much was because I had learned things about these times before. To this day some art works from those times still stick out in my brain one is the Giza Pyramids. They are so amazingly made with each brick being 2.5 tons, and there not just solid Pyramids they have a bunch of tunnels and rooms for the burial of emperor. which to me is just mind blowing that they could do something like that when they didn't have cranes or forklifts.
Another piece of art that just sticks out in my brain from this quarter that I really liked learning about is the archer from ancient Greece. It is so different then anything I have ever though of from that time era it is the one piece of work that is changing my opinion on what I originally thought of Greek art. since I first believed that all Greek statues were white and the Archers definitely proves that wrong since it was vibrant with color patterns. All the accepts of this period is really interesting with there hand painted vases and statues.
I really did enjoy almost all of the stuff we learned because it shows me things I didn't know about a lot of different cultures art and history. At first it was the visual details that sucked me into wanting to learn about then the history kept me wanting to learn even more because some of these period, which the people just amaze me.
Even though those two periods were my favorite I also enjoys different art works from all different times including the cave painting from the stone age. they were so realistic and really appealing to look at from the thoughts people have of the cavemen you would have a hard time believing that they made those paintings and they even did them in the dark! Another art work that stood out to me was the bronze doors on the Catholic church. They were amazing with such great detail, and had hidden meanings that foreshadowed the different scenes from the Old and New Testament.
Over all, I really enjoyed this class a lot more then I thought I would. I learned a lot of fun and useful information about ancient and medieval art. I am really excited to take the next art class next quarter.


  1. I'm glad that you liked things enough in this class to share the information with others! That's great. I'm glad to hear that you will be taking the next art history course during Winter quarter.

    I love the art from ancient Greece too. I hope you never look at "pure, white" Greek sculptures in the same way again!

    I enjoyed working with you and your classmates this quarter.

    -Prof. Bowen

  2. Jennifer, I was shocked to find out how much those bricks weighted. I mean 2.5 tons is so big. It amazes me how we were able to build such inspiring pieces that have impacted not only its own culture but others as well. Art is something that we can chat about with friends and family and it never really gets old because the pieces we are chatting about have been around for so long and have so much information behind them. Over all your post was great and I enjoyed reading your others posts throughout the quarter as well.

  3. The pyramids impressed me as well, especially the fact that when I was younger, I remember being taught that the builders were slaves, but now there's the theory that they weren't at all. Even slaves wouldn't want to haul those bricks around all day.
    Those doors were amazing as well, with all the links and ways of reading them. I'm such a space cadet that if I hadn't been told, I would have never figured out that there were multiple ways to look at them.
