Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Aegean Art post #5

I chose to do option number one.
From the Minoan Civilization the art work "Bull Leaping" caught my eye because the colors and textures. Also like the Minoan art work the Egyptian work "Ti Watching a Hippopotamus hunt". They both have a strong sense of texture that gives the painting definition. There textures make them eye catching because when you look you do not have to touch it to feel the texture you can just look at it. Also they both have a lot of little details within the border on the Minoan art work and the animals on the top and bottom of the Egyptian piece. Both pieces tells a story of something that is happening to people in their lives. Another thing that these works of art have in common, even though they were made over a thousand years apart from each other, is that have almost the same human structure. They are shown in profile with only one full eye showing, but are also showing both arms and legs.
The Hippopotamus hunt is a really busy painting with the back ground having all the vertical lines. It's color emphasizes what's actually happening so it draws attention to the main idea then you see the rest of the picture like the animals at the top. This picture really does show all the styles of the Egyptian time period. Having the high power people bigger, and more unrealistic. While the servants or in this case hunters are smaller and have more realistic quality's. By looking at the painting I could really imagine them traveling down the Nile hunting down hippos. The differences between the two paintings are there structures,and the colors used. With the Hippo Hunt the colors are darker and natural and semi more realistic colors you would see.
The Bull Leaping the colors are light having the women be white and the bull is a light brown. this piece of work to me is not very realistic. The waist of the people is way to small and the bodies are disproportionate. Also when I look at this painting I have a hard time believing that they jumped over bulls or were able to grab a bulls horns to slow him down or get control. while i do not feel this is realistic the details in this work are amazing. For example, the little lines on the bull representing the hair the bull has and the border with its little lines or the thicker patches of paint that make it look like the wax seals people sometimes put on the back of letters. One key detail that the Minoan time used was every person had the smaller waist then normal as seen in other works of art from this time in the book like "Woman or Goddess with Snakes". Even though both of these works of art have the similarities and differences they both tell you a story that wanted to be told and draw you attention to look at it and try to figure it out.


  1. I like that you mentioned the color differences, I'm not sure I would have thought of that. Too obvious for me to notice I guess but it is pretty interesting. I wondered too about the bull leaping. Mayyybeee people jumped over them, but... I for one wouldn't want to be the woman trying to stop the thing. Have you seen some of the video clips of bulls goring people? No thank you

  2. I think both pieces are very busy works and have a lot of strong characteristics as well. I can see what you mean about the colors of the bull scene, but the border definitely over emphasizes that color in my opinion. But I really do enjoy the first piece, it brings so much imagination to the mind when you first see it.
